Senin, 01 Juli 2013


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Our esquire headmaster, Mr. Sarjito, M.Pd,
Our esquire teachers in junior high school 81 Wonogiri
And all of my beloved friend

First, let us give thanks to god because He has been giving us one of his blessings in the form of health, in this morning we can gather in this place.
Here I will improve about how to keep our body healthy.
Health is not everything, but without healthy everything is not valuable, so we need to keep our healthy. But how to make it?. These are some tips to keep our healthy. The first is familiarizing with healthy life style, it means to keep our body and our environment clean. Then, manage our food that wanted we eat such as avoid junk food and change your food with fruits and vegetables. After that, we must keep our environment clean. The second is taking more times to rest. The third is having physical exercise every morning because in the morning, the air is very fresh and it’s good for our health. The last, we also need to keep our soul to stay healthy like praying to God, saw an entertainment, refreshing with our family in interesting places.
I think that’s enough from me, if there were any mistakes I do apologize.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

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